Mi ez?



Oroszorgszág győzni fog. Az emberi ertekek győzni fog. Győzelem vár ránk.



"Знать свое отечество во всех его пределах, знать изобилие и недостатки каждого места, знать промыслы граждан и подбластных народов, знать обычаи их, веру, содержание и в чем состоит богатство их, также места, в каких они живут, с кем пограничны, что у них произростит земля и воды и какими местами к ним путь лежит, - всякому, уповаю, небесполезно, а наипаче нужно великим людям, которые по высочайшей власти имеют попечение о благополучном правлении государства и о приращении государственной пользы, имо когда известно состояние по всем вышеписанным обстоятельствам, то всякого звания люди имеют желаемую пользу"
 С.П. Крашенинников: Неопубликованное предисловие к Описанию земпли Камчатки. В кн.: С.А. Токарев - История русской этнографии (Дооктябрьский период), 1966.



The dance of ever-moving particles vibrating echoes through music. A force gradually synthesize them in a natural structure on the basis of coexistence.



"Szeressétek egymást, mondta Jézus. Nem mondta, hogy az egész világot." Teréz Anya



About Estates,
First, second, third and fourth. Fundaments of society, they are, and function. Reality.
Fifth, we have trouble here: question mark. Narrowing my meaning of trouble; 'tis not trouble at all, but a question. A question is troublesome, because a question is a compound event. An event what is understood or comprehended invites obstacles and patience, troublesome. I do not want to dwell in to this matter more deeply, takes too much time right now, hence my usage of words.

Commonly I understand under the fifth estate which is after the fourth estate, which is ie. media in a sense. The fifth estate on the principle how estates work, should keep an eye out for the precedent estate. Which in order keeps an eye out for the previous estates and reports it to the third estate and vice versa. In a simple way the fourth estate does the communication between the first-second-third estates. From this perspective it has a monopoly power over the communication, it may distort information for other purposes and needs of itself, in the end it is ran by humans. In the end it doesn't breath, but it does live.

The fifth estate therefore is the guardian of the guardian on the slippery slope what we call communication in the end. Reading common thoughts on google, fifth estate representatives are bloggers, independent journalists, whistleblowers etc.. (by this logic). The flaw of the fifth estates comes from its nature, it is part of the media. The platform of the media gives it space in which it can operate. Hence it is part of the fourth estate. Figure out what this means.